The core strengths of formr
generates live and interactive feedback, including ggplot2, interactive ggvis and htmlwidgets. In our studies, this increases interest and retention. See examples.
sends automated reminders via email or text message, you can generate custom text and feedback here too
all platforms and device sizes are supported (about 30-40% of participants fill out our surveys on a mobile device)
easily share, swap and remix surveys (they're just spreadsheets) and runs (they're just JSON). Track version changes in these files with e.g. the OSF.
use R to do anything it can do (plot a graph or even use a sentiment analysis of a participant's Twitter feed to decide which questions to ask)
Participants can only connect via an SSL-encrypted connection. Learn more about security on formr.
These study types (and others) can be implemented in
generate simple surveys via spreadsheets. With and without feedback. Use R to generate feedback
complex surveys (using skipping logic, personalised text, complex feedback)
filter your participants with eligibility criteria.
do diary studies with flexible automated email/text message reminders
do longitudinal studies. The items of later waves need not exist in final form at wave 1.
let people rate their social networks and track changes in them
formr is an open-source, R-powered data collection platform that can be self-hosted. See the About page for the people who made and maintain this awesome software.
If you want to try hosting your own formr instance, you can find a guide on my website.